
The European adventures of A & T, a husband & wife duo filled with wanderlust.


I'm baaaaaack

Wow, it’s been awhile! Honestly, I was struggling trying to figure out the direction of this blog, which was causing a bit of a writer’s block. I’m still not 100% sure , but some changes will be coming in the near future. However, it has been too long, and I’m jumping back on the bandwagon. My dear friend, Kory Woodard, who runs one of my favorite blogs ever (not to mention I guest write for her monthly- you can check her page out here), installed a great new template on my page! I’m feeling good and inspired again, so...let’s get bloggin’!

First, here are a few updates to get us back up to speed:

1. Planning a wedding is crazy.
2. Planning a wedding on a reasonable budget is crazier.
3 Planning a wedding with your other half absent the majority of the time is craziest.

T and I will have been engaged for six month this week! How time flies! 

I still look at my ring at least 389745 times a day.  I mean look at this beauty!?!


It feels like just yesterday he was down on one knee asking me to spend the rest of our lives together. We decided on a December wedding due to the Army’s “Christmas Exodus” (basically a two week break given to Army over the Christmas holiday). Truthfully, we could not pick another day that would guarantee T being able to make it to the alter. His training schedule changes on what it seems like a weekly basis, so planning anything is nearly impossible. I really think we are out of our minds getting married three days after Christmas, but hey, whatever!

I have been in full force wedding planning mode here lately. It’s been so exciting I can’t hardly wait for the day to get here. You know everyone says it’s the bride’s day. All about what I want which obviously soooo true, but I have to say, not being able to talk to T at all is not ideal. There are some things I just want to talk to him about and hear his thoughts and opinions. Out of the six months we’ve been engaged, over three of them have been with zero contact. No fun! I did get a couple of letters here and there, so I guess I can’t complain. I’m expecting to hear from him this weekend and am anxiously waiting to fill him in on every detail (and vise vesra). Because I’m sure chair rentals and tablecloths is exactly the thing he wants to talk about when he gets back!

As for updates on my sweet soldier, things are going great for him. He had a slight set back about two months ago, but is feeling fully motivated again and ready to dominate anything that comes his way, according to his letters anyway! T has been training for the past six weeks at SUT (Small Unit Tactics). I was so happy to receive my most recent letter because he wrote pages and pages about how much he has benefited from this training. It’s been amazing to watch how the Army has transformed him and showcased some of his best characteristics. He’s a natural leader but struggles sometimes having the confidence to do so. It sounds as though SUT has given him a great confidence boost and an opportunity to use his never-ending positive and motivating attitude to help others reach their personal best!

I always tell people this, but I am so proud of him and his dedication to serving our country all while constantly striving to become a better man; spiritually, mentally, and physically. He truly is one of a kind.

I am one blessed gal.

Until Next Time.