Since we arrived in Italy I have been dying to get on a body of water. I didn't care if it was a lake, beach, or river, I needed a dose of water and sunshine ASAP. I got my fix! I spent the afternoon relaxing at Lake Garda, specifically in the town of Sirmione, only about an hour away from our house. It is the largest lake in Italy and by far the most beautiful lake I have ever seen. This lake isn't filled with murky, stinky water, but "I-can-see-the-bottom-crystal-clear" water. I didn't bring my fancy camera because I was too afraid of it getting damaged, but I am pretty impressed with what my iPhone produced.
How amazing is that?! I felt like I was back in the Caribbean on our honeymoon minus the husband and the pebbly beach.
I had to park like 60 miles, or should I say kilometers since I live in Europe..., away from the beach, and it is a good thing I did because I had the pleasure of walking through Sirmione in order to arrive at this paradise. Like the traditional Italian town, Sirmione was filled with colorful gelato shops, cozy restaurants, and lots of high heels. I mean seriously. How the heck do Italians walk on cobblestone in their 6 inch heels? It is an art form of it's own. I did snap this amazing picture in the center of town. Why doesn't my house look like this?
Anyway, it was a little bit of a trek to get to the water almost to the point I thought there was no lake... So I climb up this giant hill and I see this sight...
My own piece of paradise. Check out my cute pink polka dot towel.
I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging, swimming, and reading. Repeat. Best part? There are swans in the area that are so used to humans, they acted like dogs, I swear! They would swim right to the bank and let you pet them, only after you shared your lunch. Which I had my ham and cheese sandwich ripped right out of my hand from this dude! Rude.
Best day ever. On my way back to my car, I saw this huge castle. Pretty sure I saw the Little Mermaid flipping around...
I finished my afternoon with a fresh squeezed lemonade while I tried not to stare at all the topless sunbathers. Not in a creepy way, but I just was so surprised!! A cute picture of the lemonade, not the topless sunbathers...
The only way this almost perfect day could have been perfect was to have my husband by my side. I'm ready to go back pronto! Who is coming with me??
Until Next Time,