
The European adventures of A & T, a husband & wife duo filled with wanderlust.


Lo amo I'Italia!

I have been described through out my entire life as a "people person." Hmmm I wonder why....for those of you that know me, this comes as no surprise. For as long as I can remember, I could relate to almost anyone, never met a stranger, I would even go as far as accepting a challenge of making the wall my best friend. Human interaction is what I thrive off of. So, in preparation for Italy, I believe this gave me some sort of comfort in feeling confident in our transition to our new overseas home. T and I went above and beyond to make sure we were prepared for our move, but that's just it. We prepared for our move, but nothing we could have done would prepare us (especially me, unlike T, this is my first time overseas) for what was awaiting us as we left the Venice airport and shuttled to Vicenza. Wow is all I knew what to say.  Everything is different. The language (obviously!), clothing, behaviors, travel, food. Like I said, everything, and I am in awe. I'm captivated by the buildings, especially the apartments with beautiful gardens and the signature red roof. Which we actually have a nice view of out our hotel window. 
Yes, the bell tower works. Yes, it is super loud. 

A couple of other pictures I snapped.  I am so inspired by the rustic vibe these structures put off. 

Lets get down to what's really important. The food. Holy cow, y'all. We have eaten goooooood. Some of my favorites gave been the gelato, gnocchi (potato dumpling served with melted cheeses), authentic Italian cappuccino that puts Starbucks in the grave, and homemade, tastes-like-heaven cheesecake. Oh, and all the meats and cheeses! Basically I love it all. Everything tastes fresh and real unlike the over processed American foods.  Something I find odd, wine is cheaper than any other beverage. I was told that numerous times, but I guess I couldn't believe it until I witnessed it with my own eyes. Not complaining about that, and I'm hoping it will kick my bad habit of drinking coke. I almost choked when I saw a single coke cost the same as a liter, yes a liter, of wine. 

We are heading to downtown Vicenza tonight and Saturday. I'm determined to find the fresh flower market along with a bike I can purchase right there on the spot because EVERYONE rides! I can't wait to be touristy and take a million pictures. Don't worry, I'll share them all. 

Until Next Time,  

Oh, Dobby is settling in nicely. Doesn't his expression just say he loves it here? 

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