
The European adventures of A & T, a husband & wife duo filled with wanderlust.


What Do You Do When You Don't Know What To Do?

Long title, I know.  Is it a blogging no-no to have a long title?


The best words to describe my life right now-"I don't know."  About two weeks ago, I came to this realization-I am more than a military girlfriend waiting not so patiently to be a military wife.  Being an independent, strong-willed girl, I am surprised it took me this long to see all of the wonderful blessings in my life.  Let me explain.

My soldier and I have been rocking the long distance relationship for almost a year now.  Since he moved to Fayetteville, North Carolina (which is where the Army base-Fort Bragg- is located) I have had what I like to call tunnel vision.  The only thing I could see was my soldier.  Going back and forth with if, how, and when I would be able to move to Fort Bragg to be with him ASAP.  I am not kidding, these thoughts consumed my mind all the time-day and night.  For the majority of October, my soldier has been at Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS).  SFAS is basically a three week tryout to be apart of an elite group within the Army.  I will post about that later though.  During the three weeks, we had no contact and for some reason, the light bulb came on during the third week.

I am my own person. I have my own identity. I am so much more than a body connected to the military.

This realization has left me with a lot of scary thoughts.  Do I actually want to leave my southern roots and head to the east coast?  Do I want to allow the Army to tell me what I can and cannot do or where I can and cannot live?  How am I going to live with my husband being gone on frequent deployments, most with no contact?  How am I going to live this life?  Will I ever accept that this our future as a couple?  All of the questions have the same answer.

I just do not know.  

The only thing I know is that I love him very much.  That's enough to make it through everything, right?

Until Next Time. 


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