Moments like these make you realize even though you are miles and miles apart from the person you love, the distance doesn't matter.
My soldier was on a ruck march this day, I believe. I will probably use the term, "rucking" again, so let me go ahead and define it. For all of you non-military people, a ruck march is a long walk/jog/shuffle/run with a very heavy backpack the Army uses as a form of PT (physical training). Ruck marches tend to vary in distance and time.
Bragging moment: My soldier just did a 26 mile ruck march a few weeks ago. I know, he's awesome.
Anyway, during a time of no contact, he was rucking one afternoon and stopped to pick me the best bouquet of flowers I have ever received!
Little things like this are really what makes the distance between us bearable. I am really missing him today, especially since we did not get to spend the Thanksgiving holiday together. Only 36 more days until we are reunited! HOORAY, or maybe I should say HOOAH (military slang for hell yeah!)?!
Until Next Time.